Rummy is a game for 2 to 4 players. The game consists of 106 game pieces. 4 sets numbered 1-13. Each set has its own color. In addition, there are also 2 jokers. The game of Rummy ends when one of the players has placed all his playing pieces. You can place the stones with your own accumulated series or those of the opponents. It is also allowed to split the series if it can be used to create other series.
Rummy is fun but also good for the development of young children. Rummy learns math. Rummy is also a very good game to keep training your brain. As Van den Broek Billiards we sell different types of rummy. These are all made of wood. As Van den Broek Billiards, we believe that games, including rummy, should be made of wood.
Who wouldn't want to play a game of rummy. Rummy is a wonderful game for young and old to play together.